lunedì 21 novembre 2011

Solstizio d'Inverno 2008

Solstizio d'Inverno 2008

Per celebrare il solstizio d'inverno nell'emisfero boreale e l' International Year of Astronomy 2009, potete guardare una trasmissione live dell'sorgere del Sole solstiziale dalla megalithic tomb of Newgrange, in County Meath, Ireland.
Webcast of the solstice sunrise from Newgrange.
Trasmissione live, 2008 Webcast , da Domenica 21 Dicembre dalle 8:30 alle 9:30am.
In this view from within the burial mound's inner chamber, the first rays of the solstice sunrise are passing through a box constructed above the entrance and shine down an 18 meter long tunnel to illuminate the floor at the foot of a decorated stone. The actual stone itself would have been directly illuminated by the solstice Sun 5,000 years ago. ( dal sito della Nasa, Astronomy picture of the day: qui ) 

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